New outfits, many of whom, once bounded, began to abound. They
seemed to be every where - in hordes. And before long came the seemingly natural
desire for accessories, which lead to a host of new items: belts from snake
skin; the silk purse from a sow's ear; and then, later on, a politician from a
horse's patoot... No. No, wait a minute.. I think that may be an altogether
different horde - I mean host... Now let me see. Where was I?... Oh, Yeah,
clothes, and washing machines. - Well, the wearing of animals thing was going
along pretty well, over all, but finally the exclusivity of the practice gave
way in favor of fabric based clothing. It turned out to be a wise decision too,
I think, since a good many animals that are big enough to wear wouldn't fit well
into a washing machine, But even if the animal would fit, there were a lot of
other concerns and unwanted effects; you know, massive hair, guts, feather,
claw, teeth, fur clogs and the like (if you've ever attempted to launder a dog
of cat on hot wash/cold rinse/fast spin - and I am by no means suggesting that
you do - you know exactly what I'm talking about), and then, when you put them
in the dryer, well, they just go 'round and around, which they do anyway - but
needless to say it's completely unnecessary because, as you may or may not know,
there is more than one way to skin a cat... I don't know this myself to be a
fact, but I've heard it said a number of times.. and, well, where there's smoke
there's fire - and if there is no fire, the smoke itself suggests there is
plenty of potential, which doesn't necessarily have anything to do with
the skinning of a cat, unless you are intending to use the whole cat , you know,
the waste not want not thing - and then, of course, there was the issue of
convenience. Ah, yes. Convenience. The fabric/washing machine concept was so
much easier than stalking, killing and skinning your clothes that, well, there
was just no comparison.
No doubt about it, the
washing machine, to say the very least, was an ingenious and agitating (in the
best possible cleanliness is next to godliness sense) development. And as is
true with any new piece of technology, it's really good to have some
instructions - hopefully with illustrations. In consideration of this, I've
taken the liberty of putting together a few notes for you so you can get a feel
for the experience: because, if for some reason you've never washed your
clothes - well, you know, you really should check it out.

It wouldn't be too awfully difficult to go
in to much more detail here - but I think you'll do just fine. Once you've
actually gone through the process, it will probably seem like you've been doing
it every day for your whoooole life.
So - there you have
it - clean clothes.
And not a moment too
